The main goal of SAGIS is the gathering, processing, analising and timeous distribution of reliable agronomic information to all role players.

As time progressed and the needs of the industries changed, SAGIS was approached to also render additional information services to the industries.

For example, the monitoring of import tariffs, audit certificates for the minimum market access and weekly import and export figures for the maize and wheat industries.
SAGIS se hoofdoelstelling is die versameling, verwerking, analisering en tydige verspreiding van betroubare agronomiese inligting aan alle rolspelers.

Soos tyd aanstap en die behoeftes van die bedrywe verander, word SAGIS genader om ook diverse inligtingsfunksies vir die bedrywe te verrig.

Soos bv. die monitering van invoertariewe, ouditsertifikate vir minimum marktoegang en weeklikse in- en uitvoer syfers vir die mielie en koringbedrywe.
Who must register
On request by role players in the Maize, Wheat and Oilseed Industries, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries approved Statutory Measures for the mandatory registration of manufacturers, importers and exporters of maize, wheaten and oilseed products by the South African Grain Information Service (NPC) (SAGIS). These measures compel them to keep complete records and to submit monthly returns to SAGIS.

To comply to these statutory measures, manufacturers, importers and exporters of the above products had to register with SAGIS immediately after the date at which this statutory measure came into force:

Maize and Wheaten Products:
Government Gazette number 38189, notice numbers R. 884 and R. 885 of 14 November 2014, under sections 13 and 18 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996).

Oilseed Products:
Government Gazette number 40296, notice number R. 1153 of 23 September 2016, under sections 13 and 18 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996).

Each person who becomes a manufacturer, importer or exporter of maize products or wheaten products or oilseed products after the date at which this statutory measure comes into force, shall register with SAGIS within 30 days.

Completed forms must be emailed to productregistration@sagis.org.za, or faxed to (012) 349-9200.

Please find herewith links to all the required documentation:

Wie moet registreer
Op versoek van die rolspelers in die Mielie,Koring en oliesaad bedrywe, het die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, statutêre maatreëls vir die verpligte registrasie van vervaardigers, invoerders en uitvoerders van mielie-, koring- en oliesadeprodukte by die Suid-Afrikaanse Graan Inligtingsdiens (NWM) (SAGIS) goedgekeur. Hierdie maatreëls verplig medewerkers om volledige rekords te hou en maandelikse opgawes aan SAGIS te verskaf.

Om aan die vereistes van hierdie Statutêre Maatreëls te voldoen, is vervaardigers, invoerders en uitvoerders van hierdie produkte verplig om onmiddellik na die datum waarop hierdie Statutêre Maatreël in werking tree, by SAGIS te registreer:

Mielie- en koringprodukte:
Staatskoerant nommer 38189, kennisgewings nommers R. 884 en R. 885 van 14 November 2014, uitgereik in terme van artikels 13 en 18 van die Wet op Bemarking van Landbouprodukte, 1996 (Wet No. 47 van 1996).

Staatskoerant nommer 40296, kennisgewings nommer R. 1153 van 23 September 2016, uitgereik in terme van artikels 13 en 18 van die Wet op Bemarking van Landbouprodukte, 1996 (Wet No. 47 van 1996).

Elke persoon wat nadat die Statutêre Maatreël in werking getree het ʼn verwerker, invoerder of uitvoerder van mielieprodukte, koringprodukte of oliesaadprodukte word, moet by SAGIS registreer.

Voltooide vorms moet per e-pos na productregistration@sagis.org.za gestuur word of na (012) 349 9200 gefaks word.

Vind asb. skakels na die relevante dokumentasie: